A Very Bad Day To Be a Girl Scout
By: Amber Laubach
Today was supposed to be the best day ever, and of course, with my luck, it turned out to be the worst day ever. I know, you're probably wondering what happened, but don't worry I'll tell you. Today was the day that I was eligible to be a girl scout brownie, which means I get a new vest to put my badges on! This was a big deal because none of my friends were brownies yet, and they were going to be so jealous.
I woke up, and my eyes saw it right away. The brown vest seemed to be glowing, and the matching outfit to go with it was hanging on my closet door. I flew out of bed, and quickly threw on my shirt, skirt, socks and shoes, but I took my sweet time putting on my vest. I went downstairs to eat breakfast, but took my time to make sure I didn't drop food on it. A couple minutes before the bus came, and I had forgotten to brush my teeth! I raced upstairs and started brushing as fast as a I could. "I see the bus!" yelled my mom. I started to panic, and quickly spit the remaining toothpaste out of my mouth. As I stumbled out to the bus, I looked down at my vest and saw that the toothpaste hadn't landed in the sink, it had landed on my vest.
When I finally reached the bus stop, the bus had already passed. I sighed, and began walking to school. On the way to school, I rubbed the toothpaste off my vest by standing in front of my neighbor's sprinkler for a couple of seconds. I began skipping to school because I looked awesome, and my vest looked brand new! My happiness was crushed within minutes.
It started to rain, and it rained hard. As I began running to school, a car passed by me. Low and behold, the car drove through a puddle and soaked me entirely. A little water never hurt right? But with my luck, I stumbled over my feet from running too fast, and fell right into a mud puddle.
I picked myself up, and knew I was a mess. Slowly like a turtle, I hung my head and started walking to school. By the time I got to school, I was 15 minutes late. I walked right to the secretary's office and collapsed in a chair. The tears came streaming down my face, and the secretary didn't even have to ask what happened. You could tell just by looking at me. So, not the best day to be a girl scout.
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